Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
Thank you, Caleb Swann, Senior Director of Development Partnership Marketing at the Memphis Grizzlies, for speaking with our interns! He made sure to tell them, “All it takes is one yes...
Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
“Every Winner started as a Contender.” This is the basis of Justin and Monique Honaman’s company, Contender Brands. Thank you for stopping by and giving our interns a peek into...
Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
Thank you to Dina Gerson, Director of Olympic Marketing at The Coca-Cola Company, for speaking with our interns! One important piece of advice she shared was to, “Surround yourself with people...
Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
Kara Rich, Senior Director of Partnerships and Business Development in the Americas at Buzz Products, really emphasized that it is important to “talk to people, use your resources, look around...
Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
Chris Davis, Vice President and General Manager of Auburn Sports Properties – A Division of FOX Sports, stopped by the #MELTUSpeakerSeries to speak with our interns. His main piece of advice...
Aug 3, 2018 | 2018, MELT U
When David Rubinger, Market President and Publisher of the Atlanta Business Chronicle, stopped by the #MELTUSpeakerSeries he shared his journey to his dream job with our interns. They took away that...